The doctor association is a group of doctors who band together to fight for their rights in the medical profession. These groups typically work together on lobbying efforts to influence government policies that affect physicians. They also publish a variety of medical journals. The best-known of these is the Journal of the American Medical Association, which has been in existence since 1883 and is the world’s most widely circulated medical journal. Other important physician associations include the World Medical Association and the New York State Medical Society.
The American Medical Association (AMA) was formed in Philadelphia in 1847 by 250 delegates from more than 40 medical societies and 28 colleges. Its objective is to promote the science and art of medicine for the betterment of public health. Today the AMA is one of the most powerful organizations in the world. Its roots, however, go back to a bloody duel in 1818 between two competing physicians.
In the mid-1840s, competition between physicians was fierce as the United States produced five times more doctors than some European countries. Consequently, doctors beat each other bloody all the time for business. This scuzzy skirmish led to the formation of a club called Kappa Lambda, which tamped down on duels and other violence.
From there, the AMA took off. The organization became a confederation of state societies, and membership in the group rose to over half of all American doctors. New perks, such as insurance that covered malpractice suits, helped drive the increase in membership. The AMA’s power and clout were further augmented when it gained control of educational standards and licensure.
Today, the AMA is active in the struggle to protect conscience rights and achieve authentic health care reform. It publishes a number of peer-reviewed medical journals, including the highly respected Journal of the American Medical Association, which is published around the globe in over 15 languages. The AMA is also heavily involved in advocacy and lobbying efforts, including advocating for AIDS education and treatment, promoting the development of an oral vaccine against polio, fighting tobacco use, urging the use of a drug to treat hypertension, supporting legislation prohibiting gag clauses in health plan contracts and defending medical professionals in legal cases.
The AMA’s mission is to serve humanity by endeavoring to achieve the highest international standards in Medical Education, Medical Science, Medical Art and Medical Ethics. The AMA is an international organization with national and regional member associations in more than 90 countries, a worldwide network of over 130,000 members, and its headquarters in Chicago. It works to provide a forum for its members to communicate freely and cooperate actively, to reach consensus on high ethical and professional standards and to promote and protect the freedom of physicians worldwide. The AMA also serves as the global advocate for patients and the public to promote healthy communities and a safe environment. The AMA is an independent, non-profit, voluntary membership organization. Its funding comes from physician and medical student dues, grants and contributions.